Baptist churches rely on their own resources.
In fact, they live on the resources they receive from the generosity of their members and friends. Contribution to the church is a consistent part of the freedom of our belief founded on Christ.
This is the reason why our churches have always refused State funding for a religious confession.
Our pastors and serving deacons are not a caste. They do not have particular privileges. Our financial support, above all, serves so that these people can render service to the church and the Lord in a dignified manner. The churches, rightly, have the power to verify these people. Pastors, in fact, are elected and reconfirmed by the church assembly with a qualified majority.
Then there is the financial cost of the Union of the Baptist Evangelical Churches in Italy (UCEBI). It is a limited cost as our bureaucracy is reduced to a minimum. Finally, there are costs for the theological departments, evangelizing and international churches. Also there are, substantially, groups which work, to a large measure, on the basis of voluntary commitments.
Other expenditures refer to buildings that need continual ordinary and extraordinary maintenance and local activities, social and cultural. Moreover, please note that the balance sheet of the church is public and it is at the disposal of all the members of the church who in assembly give their approval of the final and estimated balance sheets.
For principle and culture, our churches do not apply tariffs for funerals. weddings and others. We have a long tradition for contribution founded on the principle of the tithe and first choice. This means that each person, according to his/her possibility, pledges to support the community with a monthly contribution. There are, besides, also many other people who sympathize with our testimony, but who,for motives of conscience or who belong to another congregation, do not take part. They participate every now and then with sincere affection but have not made a decision of faith or membership. There is no need to add that we are happy to have so many sympathizers! Nothing prohibits them, however, knowing how are church is structured and our needs, from showing at times a sign of their friendship with a contribution.
We would like to point out that if all the contributions are nominative they can be deducted at the moment of the tax declaration (IRPEF)up to a total annual amount of € 1,032.91. Asking for a receipt from our treasurer is sufficient.
For contributions you can contact us!