The History of our Church in Milan
The construction of the new temple
After the second world war the construction of a new temple was decided and a church member, Athos Roncaglia, was consulted; his building company was a going concern. First of all, it was necessary to find a place that was central, tranquil, well-served by public transport and not expensive. After some research, Via Pinamonte da Vimercate was found where a workshop had been bombed in 1943. It was Mr Airoldi, an architect, well-known at the time, who planned the temple and Mr Roncaglia's company which constructed it. Among the workers who collaborated with the company were Walter and Athos Brinkman, Mr Roncaglia's young nephews. It was Athos who painted the inscriptions around the baptismal font. After two years of intense work, the temple in Via Pinamonte da Vimercate was inaugurated in 1950. That same year Pastor Carmelo Inguanti began serving the community where he remained until 1980.